Joint pain is a very serious and, unfortunately, common phenomenon, which affects one or more joints of our bodies. An old injury, or inflammations and several types of arthritis are responsible for joint pain that torture millions of people all over the world.
Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, or other inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disorders cause the stiffness and the feelings of discomfort in joints, which end up causing aches and inability to move. Joint pain is caused by the gradual degeneration of the cartilage that exists between the joints and plays the role of cushion among them.
Once this cushion is damaged, the pain starts to get worse and worse. Many people who suffer from joint pain associate them with their age - as most of the people suffering are over forty. However, this is not a problem related to age, at least not exclusively. Some types of arthritis are caused by the advanced age, but this is not the primary cause of joint pain, as there are more than hundred forms of arthritis that are identified so far.
According to the experts, one of the most common reasons of back joint pain is a possible chronic disease, caused and nurtured by a low functioning immune system, or inflammations that the body cannot handle and treat on its own, as it happens usually. Here are some of the causes of joint pain: unusual exertion of some part of the body, Osteoarthritis, Septic arthritis, Tendonitis,Bursitis, Infectious and chronic diseases, rubella, hepatitis, chickenpox, autoimmune diseases, osteomyelitis, mumps and much more.
As we can tell by this short list, defining the real cause of the joint pains, could be a daunting task even for the most experienced and well educated doctor. The importance, though, of the right diagnosis is crucial, because it is the first step towards treatment and healing. Patients usually tend to try to resolve the case on their own, taking drugs or doing some exercises indicated by their chiropractors or even friends.
The problem is that the joint pain cannot be treated and cured this way; at least not without knowing what is causing them. Some exercises for instance are good for arthritis but not appropriate for some other disease, such as bursitis, or inflammation. Tendonitis, rheumatic disorders or hormonal imbalances require a different treatment and different approach. Doctors need to know what the real problem is so as to provide the proper help.
The right diet seems to be the common denominator though; all experts agree that a diet rich in veggies and omega 3 - fatty acid can help the joint cartilage and bring some relief, but it's not a solution. Boosting the immune system and reducing the stress levels is something that can help the patient significantly, at least when it comes to several issues such as hormonal imbalances and inflammations. Exercising and losing some weight is also something that can help deal with the pains and the stiffness.
The time for recovery from these joint pains depends on the initial cause and treatment and can take from a few weeks to a several years
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